I am excitedly happy to offer a Bespoked Spiritual, Self-Mastery, living in the now, Reclaiming your Hidden Power Programme – for those who are fast tracking their spiritual growth, career and life purpose. To Empower and Motivate You to be the best you can be in every area of your life is "My Passion".
Let’s create the most exciting and greatest version of you together!
For years Denis searched to find a way to personally share his experience with individuals, not just with large groups, but to assist any person who is interested in having the life changing experience and very personal connection and communication with the Divine -Self, and a complete transformation of day-to-day encounters, challenges, and "battles" with the old demons of fear, anger, resentment, frustration, disappointment, and debilitating emotional pain.
Included in this highly individualised program:
• 6 total hours spent with Denis privately;
• One personal, one-on-one, call with Denis each week, in which you can discuss your progress of the one -to -one, and issues affecting your daily life.
• Email/Phone support for one month facilitated by Denis.
• One weekly phone/skype online support, complete with experiments, and processes that will both ground and activate the one-to-one in your Life.
You will experience, walking, laughing, eating, smiling your way through the day, experiencing those moments you have longed for in this reality of serving self. You will grow within your knowledge of yourself and what you desire to be in this life.
The part that I ask you to play, is the part of yourself, your enquiring mind, your loving heart, and your thirst for truth and direction, and the desire to let go of the old you, to shake hands and recognise the unlimited perfectly balanced you.
Are you ready to step into your mastery? If you are, I am here to help you become all that you can.
For more information regarding this walk with the masters one-to-one life changing experience, please contact me for more details