August 21, 2017

Next Level Living

Join The Council of Twelve and I as we bring forth actual “NEXT LEVEL LIVING TOOLS THAT HELP YOU THROUGH THESE TRYING TIMES”.

In these great times of change it is no longer adequate to live a mediocre spiritual existence – now is time to live in your mastery.  The Council of Twelve has brought forth a course named: “NEXT LEVEL LIVING”. Commencing 10th September then the 17th and 24th of September

This course integrates the techniques and practical implementation of the great masters who have walked before you in a down to earth manner so you can achieve your goals of living in self-mastery.

Now is the time to take your gifts and goals to the next level, to actually live in abundance, to assist your clients in also moving into NEXT LEVEL LIVING.  This course is for those who are called to achieve more in their lives and actually move beyond stagnation in their growth and development and live in the mastery of life.


“NEXT LEVEL CHANNELLING” in order to be able to utilise these skills to achieve more abundance, and help clients. Next Level Channelling – become a Clear Channel Conduit who can bring confidently bring forth complex messages with concise clarity that helps both your client(s) integrate channelled messaging with ease and also excel their growth, life and assist your clients to achieve their goals.  Additionally, you will do this for yourself and will bolster your abundance, confidence and clarity.


NEXT LEVEL SACRED KNOWLEDGE” in order to boost your self-worth of yourself, and expand the “NEXT LEVEL LIVING” strategy in order to increase your worth in this life. Sacred knowledge is found in all areas of life. We will be looking at spiritual sacred knowledge and how it can assist those on our journey through remembering our self.

Next level living, please choose your preferred payment from the options below.

Paying options

NEXT LEVEL PRANIC BREATHING” –  The Pranic Breathing and Meditation Techniques of Yogi’s – The Council of Twelve have adapted the sacred techniques of the Yogi’s to assist you with: maintaining health, breathing through pains, release blockages. Once learned these techniques can also be taught to your own clients and students. PRANIC Breathing plays a very important part in Pranic Healing. It is the means or method whereby the supply of Prana is increased, and whereby it may be distributed to the affected parts.

  • Pranic breathing is based on the unceasing vibration which is always in evidence throughout all nature. Everything is in constant vibration. There is no rest in the Universe. The atoms of the human body are in a state of constant vibration. Vibration and motion are everywhere in evidence in the human economy. The cells of the body are constantly to be destroyed, replaced, and changed. Change, change everywhere and always.
  •  Rhythm pervades the universe. Everything from the greatest sum to the tiniest atom is in vibration and has its own particular rate of vibration. The circling of the planets around the sun; and rise and fall of the sea; the beating of the heart; the ebb and flow of the tide; all follow rhythmic laws. All growth and change is in evidence of this law.
  • Our bodies are subject to this law, as well as are all other forms of matter. And upon an understanding of this law of rhythm depends largely the Yogi theory of Breath and Pranic Healing. By falling in with the rhythm of the atoms of which the body is composed, the Yogi manages to absorb a great amount of Prana, which he disposes of to bring about the results desired by him.


NEXT LEVEL QUANTUM MEDITATION” – integrates quantum technics that integrate imagination and desires to the NEXT LEVEL of actually achieving your goals, dreams and aspirations into reality that breaks through fears and repetitive patterns that you are not aware of in order to actually achieve your goals, dreams, improve your relationships with yourself and others, and not forgetting your clients and building your client base.


“NEXT LEVEL MEDIUMSHIP” – learn how to connect with those who have passed over and integrate signs and messages in order to assist others. Refining and validating evidence from Spirit to give accurate messages. Connecting with Spirit and sustaining the link with the Spirit World, and how to conserve energy. Different forms of mediumship, and learning which method works best for you. Understanding the various altered states in mediumship, and improving both private and public reading techniques. Developing your own unique style so you can represent Spirit to the best of your ability. Perfecting your demonstrating techniques and the roles Spirit has to play in mediumship.

The  full workshop which will run over three consecutive Sundays will cover topics such as (see below) and hopefully give you a good footing for your advancement of your spiritual journey while upon this earth.:

  • Understand the purpose of your soul and open yourself to a guiding higher consciousness.
  • Dismantle the barriers created by your outer-self, so you can unveil your true inner-self.
  • Break free from the psychological restrictions that have prevented you from identifying and realising your full potential.
  • Use spiritual energy to heal yourself and others, so you can control your own path.
  • Enhance your body, mind, and soul to live a life of harmony.

This workshop is more than just a guide … it’s a way back to living from the inside-out. It will help you (no matter what your walk of life) follow your own spiritual journey. 

For the past 12 months, I have been working with the Next Level of Quantum-Meditation and Pranic- Breathing and the Next Level of Energy Channelling for the Body and the Mind brought forth by the Council of Twelve. I’m now in the position to offer what I have integrated within myself over a 12 month period into a condensed 5 hours per weekly session, including one hour for lunch, for three consecutive weeks, commencing 10th September then the 17th and 24th of September (Sunday) venue will be my home, which will be the ideal setting, and maybe a walk into the woods that surround my beautiful home of spiritual energy.. refreshments will be provided, (but please bring a packed lunch for yourself and vegetarian food to share with others).. (Next Level living, Step/part One) 

please contact me for details if you wish to go to the next level in your physical/spiritual lives.

The first level starts beginning of September…. peace and happiness to you all Denis with the Twelve. 

The costs for the full course is £180:00 payable by a 25% deposit, which is not returnable. Remaining balance to be paid the week before the start date and is not returnable if you do not complete the course. 

Next level living, please choose your preferred payment from the options below.

Paying options