In these fast-changing times of “fake news”, “hysteria”, “Safe-spaces”, and “uncertainty” the Council of Twelve and I are thrilled to invite you to our Next-Level of channelling sessions and workshops/seminars brought to you by myself and The Council of Twelve (Ascended Grandmasters).
For the past 6 months, I have been in spiritual meditation and commune with the Council of Twelve. I was foretold changes were happening and therefore guided to take the last 6 months to pray, meditate, and communed with very few others in the physical realm. It was of great importance that I garner a deeper understanding from within and connect even more to the Council of Twelve guidance at a deeper level.
Therefore, I am thrilled to announce that through direct communication with the grandmasters I have gained a deeper knowledge and understanding of these worldly events that we are all NOW in and will continue to experience.
Consequences are for ALL to bare this course is for those who desire to stand in their true power at this seemingly chaotic yet beautiful time of change and desire the truth and seeds on how to navigate on this planet as a higher-self being at this time.
To those of you who are not familiar with my leading-edge spiritual work of Mediumship, Higher Self Soul Growth, Psychic Insight, Intuitive Life Coaching and Spiritual Channeling with the Council of Twelve I look forward extending my work to you. There is much generated “Fake News” on this planet by those who wish to deceive and hoodwink “we the people” into believing their way and games are the only forward movement. The time has come for each of us to step into our true power of self, of self-realisation and this is what I am more than ready to teach/share with you all.
So it gives The Council of Twelve (Ascended Grandmasters) and I great pleasure in bringing forth the channelling sessions at my home, and consequently to be streamed over the Internet to those of you who cannot physically be with us at this exciting time here in the UK And Abroad
• If you would like to be present at my home in person for the channelling sessions which will consist of a group meditation to set the scene. (bringing divine energy fourth)
• Channelling sessions from the council of Twelve (pulling no punches) On Today’s World And What It Means To You Personally, Mentally Spiritually and Physically, all delivered with the unique flavour and sense of humour of the council
• Questions and answers to the council from yourselves regarding your personal involvement in this life. How you can get the best out of yourself right here right now in this life in any way shape or form (personal information for yourself).
WORKSHOP: Moving from the Outer World To the Inner World.. A brief description of the workshop will consist of around five hours which will include one four hour segments and one hour for shared lunch et cetera. the cost for you committing to your growth is £110, pre-booking for this workshop is essential due to places and availability. Please use this PayPal link to invest in yourself for the Workshop day Please contact me for further information if you wish.
DATE: Scheduled for TBA..
NOTE: Limited to a small number of attendees (at my home) so time can be given to all aspects of your life’s. (maximum of 10 attendees) Please use this PayPal link to invest in yourself for the Channelling Evenings. The investment is £10 per person (for channelling at my home) in included is refreshments, you may bring your own if you wish to do so. Please Email me for address details once you have confirmed your booking via PayPal..Please note because of past endeavours with people who have booked places and not committed to the payment that this PayPal commitment as got to be adhered too, Unless otherwise agreed by myself. (In other words payment on the evening).
• Streaming channelling and workshops will change in their structure slightly due to time, availability and number of attendees (available through streaming over the Internet into your home directly)
• If You Are Interested In These Groundbreaking Events Please Send Me an Email At… or register here on this link or Contact Me through Facebook Private Messaging System To Show Your Interest/ Intent Of Coming along in Person Or Being a Streaming Attended….
• Both Workshops and Channelling Sessions Are Available At My Home (Limited Attendees) so it would be advisable to book your place ASAP…
Please contact me for my information regarding these events.
Thank you, Denis and the Council